Monday, October 7, 2019


A little bit of a blustery day... but no SNOW! So we won't complain!

Heads up: we will be walking to the Calgary Public Library Crowfoot Branch on Thursday, October 10.  Please give your child a snack that will fit into their jacket pocket as we will not be taking lunch kits or backpacks with us. Also, please ensure that your child has proper footwear and appropriate clothing for that day! Best to dress in layers!  If you have your police clearance done and approved and are free that morning and would like to join us, please let me know!  We will leave the school around 920am and be back around 11am or shortly after that!

This week we are looking at ROYGBIV... the colour spectrum!  We watched this quirky little musical film and are in love with Roy G. Biv! 
Here's the clip:
We created a colour wheel with our secondary and primary colours using a variety of materials. 

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April 2, 2020

Hi Friends!! It was great to be able to touch base with so many of you this week!  I am so sorry I missed chatting with some of you! I&#...