Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Welcome to Grade One 2019-2020

September  2019

Welcome to Grade One! 
It is a pleasure to be your child's teacher this year and I look forward to all the wonderful learning we will do together.

Housekeeping Items:
- please ensure your child comes to school dressed for the weather.  Sending extra clothes or jackets in their backpacks is a good idea
- please label all of your child's belongings with their name
- communication folders are replacing agendas this year.  please send the folder back each day even if it is empty
- please send back all forms as soon as you can
- please fill out a volunteer clearance form!  Have it on hand at the office so you can come volunteer anytime!

Contact information:
- during school hours please call the office and leave a message
- send me an email!
- send me notes in the communication folder

We are going to have a great year!

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April 2, 2020

Hi Friends!! It was great to be able to touch base with so many of you this week!  I am so sorry I missed chatting with some of you! I&#...